Thursday, 29 November 2012

Lecture Capture Week

This week I have attended three events dealing with lecture capture, in particular Panopto Lecture Capture.
On Monday I attended the Panopto user forum at Northampton University which had over 50 attendees and 30 universities represented. There was a presentation by Eric Burns the CTO and founder of Panopto who gave an overview of the road map and future developments but most useful was the ability to share experiences with other users.
The thorny matter of compliance issue was raised and discussed at some length, these are copyright, intellectual property rights, data protection and performance rights. It was agreed that guidance from institution compliance officers and JISC legal were good sources of advice. It was also felt that  IPR and PR should be dealt with at a strategic level and written into contracts.

The second event was at University of Glamorgan where I presented on Aberystwyth University's adoption of Panopto. It seemed to go well and there was a lot of interest with many questions asked.
Glamorgan have alos adopted Panopto.

The third event was a video conference session between Aberystwyth and Bangor universities where Dr Gareth Hall a psyhcology lecturer presented on research he had carried out looking into student attitudes to lecture capture.  The interesting thing that became apparent was that the all the focus groups agreed that lectures were not a great way of learning. Of course that needs more flesh on the bones but that is for another day.

What is interesting is that the constant theme throughout the events was the increase in student demand as they become aware that lecture capture is available at their institutions.

I have no doubt that this is where the growth in demand will come from and not from academics although they will play their part.

Another encouraging observation is that academics are now considering uses other than just a straight lecture capture e.g. flipping, short clips on key themes only etc. I have always said that lecture capture should be used at the appropriate time, in the appropriate manner and hopefully with some imagination

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